Faculty & Staff

Help your students expand their education beyond the classroom

Faculty & Staff

Help your students expand their education beyond the classroom

Faculty and Staff

Global Engagement Suite

The Study Abroad and Global Engagement (SAGE) team partners with CSUF faculty via both traditional study abroad programming as well as several innovative models of virtual global engagement.  These models are designed to broaden access for all Titans to the transformative impact of global learning as well as reflect the current and future trends within the international education field.  Our office engages with campus partners from a highly collaborative perspective providing guidance, consultation, and resources.  

Broadly, the SAGE Office will serve to develop application and registration mechanics, consult on budgetary questions, engage in third-party provider relations, as well as provide opportunities for student recruitment. The SAGE office would encourage faculty to review the below models and reach out to us if you have questions or wish to consult on possible programming.

Mobile Programs

These allow faculty to lead students either internationally or domestically on globally focused programming attached to course enrollment.

Faculty-Led Study Abroad / Away Programming

Leading students internationally (abroad) or domestically (away) can prove to be exceptionally fulfilling, however requires careful and long-term planning. While several models exist, leading students abroad in partnership with a third party study abroad provider is considered to be the best practice within the professional field.

  • Administrative:  Faculty should work closely with their respective Dean’s Office to follow college-specific approval processes which may vary from college to college and may require significant lead-time.
  • Timelines:  Students should have two enrollment periods of preparation and planning before the program start date.  As an example, a summer program should have applications open with relative dates, curriculum content, and program costs available for students at the start of the preceeding Fall semester.  Generally, this means that a 12 to 18 month leadtime is required.
  •  Budget:  Budgetary considerations should be inclusive of all costs associated with student instruction, program delivery, and faculty participation. 
  • Travel Preparation: As a requirement for leading a mobile program, Faculty Leaders agree to 1) complete mandatory faculty registration tasks in the CSUF online global engagement portal and 2) conduct a mandatory pre-departure orientation with their class prior to travel to address specific and practical information related to the host country(-ies) and culture(s), class management, and course requirements. This meeting may take place in person or virtually and can include participation from SAGE staff and a representative from the Third Party Provider, at the Faculty Leader's request.  Faculty Leaders should also be aware that students participating in their program will be removed from the program for failure to complete required student pre-departure tasks in their SAGE student portals.

Once programming has been approved by the faculty-member’s home college, we will partner with colleges and departments to assist with third party provider relations, university budget and program approval processing, contract processing, application management, risk and insurance logistics, etc.

The following documents provide essential information and requirements for working with CSUF. Third Party Providers should complete the intake survey at the link below, please provide as much of the requested information as possible. 


For best practices associated with leading students abroad, please view the Standards of Good Practice.

Note: While the leadtime mentioned above is almost always the best practice for study abroad programming, domestic study away programming can vary depending on the complexity of the proposed program.

Virtual Global Engagement (VGE)

VGE allows for single or multi-site (country/region) comparison virtual content to be woven into a course(s). VGE can be delivered via synchronous or asynchronous modes and can offer experiential (dance, food and cooking, music and bands, art and architecture) or instructive (lectures, collaborative projects with local students/faculty/engaged public) content but are intended to be interactive. For broader information on varying types of VGE, please view the Guidelines for Online Virtual Experiences.

What can VGE provide that is different?

Students who would (or could) not access a traditional study abroad / study away program may find these programs more easily accessible due to reduced cost and less disruption to daily life.

  • Can be employed at both the semester and short-term course model, inclusive of wintersession and summer.
  • Can provide access to a larger pool of faculty seeking to globalize their curriculum, but who find traditional mobility programs inaccessible. 
  • Can offer classroom creativity through multi-disciplinary, multi-site, or region-specific curricular design.
  • Can be leveraged for fully virtual or fully in-person coursework.
  • Can be designed to incorporate High Impact Practices and meet larger institutional goals associated with student performance. 

What does VGE look like for faculty?

  • Key study abroad providers have pivoted to engage their infrastructure (in-country relationships, staff time, learning platforms) to provide these services. Providers contracted in advance and will incorporate a small program-fee ranging from $300 - $1200 depending on what is included, scale of tailoring, and enrollment.   
  • SAGE’s Role:  Once programming has been approved by the faculty-member’s home college, we will assist with provider relations, university budget approval processing, contract processing, application management, etc.

  • Faculty-to-Faculty partnerships where components of curriculum are shared in a single project (or series of projects) between students.  Examples include joint-class sessions, collaborative research projects, discussions boards, etc.  The academic fields of the two faculty may or may not be identical or similar, presenting an exceptional opportunity for multi-disciplinary experiences.  For the student it is “cost-neutral” typically.
  • SAGE’s Role:  SAGE will share COIL invitations from our partners with academic departments and also assist with institutional relations on behalf of CSUF faculty.
  • COIL Intake Form - SAGE Office


Please contact Shari Merrill, Associate Director, SAGE at smerrill@fullerton.edu