Study Abroad & Global Engagement Fair

CSUF TSU Pavilion A, Wednesday, October 16, 2024 (11 a.m.–3 p.m.)

Study Abroad & Global Engagement Fair

CSUF TSU Pavilion A, Wednesday, October 16, 2024 (11 a.m.–3 p.m.)

Study Abroad Fair

If you want to explore it in-person, come down to the Study Abroad Fair and get inspired to plan your study abroad experience! Contrary to common belief, study abroad can be the right option for all students and we will work with you to make sure your experience fulfills both your academic and personal goals.

Volunteer Sign-Up Form 

What can I do at the fair?

The Study Abroad & Global Engagement Fair provides the perfect opportunity for all CSUF students to do one or all of the following:

learn at the fair

Speak to Study Abroad Advisors and program representatives

Learn about the diverse program options – and financial assistance opportunities – available to you

Talk to Study Abroad alumni and international students currently on exchange</a > from CSUF partner universities

Attend special in-person study abroad info sessions!

Check-out who will be at the Study Abroad & Global Engagement Fair!

Attend In-Person Info Sessions at the TSU, Gabrielino Room 

  • 11:00 AM: General Study Abroad Information Session 
  • 1:00 PM: General Study Abroad Information Session 
  • 2:00 PM: Summer 2025 Study Abroad Programs Info Sesson 

CSUF Study Abroad Programs & Campus Partners

Our Partners

Arcadia Abroad logo AIFS Abroad logo Experience api logo Academic Studies Abraod logo Barcelona Study Abroad Experience logo CSUIP Study Abroad logo JET program logo Peace Corps logo Semester at Sea logo SSA Education Abroad logo USAC logo World Strides Educational Travel & Experiences logo Logo for Gachon University

Explore Programs

Explore Scholarships

12 CSUF Students were awarded the Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship for the October 2023 & March 2024 application cycles!

This incredible accomplishment can be attributed to the hard work and dedication of the CSUF Study Abroad and Global Engagement (SAGE) Advisor and Global Titan Ambassadors who conducted specialized Gilman Scholarship Information Sessions and Peer Advising.


Highlights of the October 2023  & March 2024 Awards: 


total award amount


average award amount per recipient

CSUF student awardees

Awarded Students' Study Abroad Locations

Australia, France, Germany, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, Republic of Cabo Verde, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom
