Employment / Economic Hardship

Economic Hardship
General Information
F-1 international degree students can apply for a permit to work off-campus based on economic hardship if they meet the following preconditions:
- Students must have been in F-1 status for at least one full academic year at CSUF before they begin the application process
- Students must be in good academic standing at CSUF (not on probation)
- Students must prove to USCIS that employment is necessary due to severe economic hardship caused by circumstances beyond student's control that arose AFTER obtaining F-1 status
- Students must make a good faith attempt to find on-campus jobs first. If your on-campus employment salary is insufficient to meet your expenses, be able to provide evidence of this (example: letter from supervisor stating current salary)
If you are thinking of applying for an economic hardship work permit, please schedule an appointment with an International Student Advisor to discuss the application procedures and forms.