Employment / On-Campus Employer

On-Campus Employer Information
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has updated procedures for issuing Social Security Numbers (SSN) to F-1 and J-1 visa students. SSA is now requiring specific details regarding the nature of the campus employment offered to international students in the form of a letter written on department letterhead. A SSN application will not be processed if it is more than 30 days in advance of the scheduled employment start date.
Guidelines and Sample Letter Format
In an effort to streamline International Students & Scholars business practices and procedures and assist campus employers with the hiring of F-1 or J-1 students, the International Students & Scholars Office have drafted the following guidelines and a sample letter (PDF) to be used by campus employers if the international student hiree requires a SSN:
- Draft a letter on department stationery providing the details as indicated in the
sample letter:
- Name of student
- Student's Job Title (e.g. Clerical Assistant)
- A brief description of student's job (e.g. answering phones, typing letters, waiting tables in the cafeteria, stocking shelves in the library, etc)
- Start date of proposed employment: SSA will not issue a SSN if the start date is more than 30 days into the future
- Number of work hours per week. Please note that International students may not work more than 20 hours per week during the semester
- Appropriate Employer Tax Identification Number (see "Note" on the bottom of the sample letter)
- Employer Telephone Number (i.e. the immediate supervisor's or departmental office phone number)
- Print your letter on department letterhead and give the original copy to the student. If student is needing to apply for a SSN, then refer student to our website for the complete procedure.
Other Resources
For more information on hiring international students, refer to NAFSA: Association of International Educators' "What Employers Should Know About Hiring International Students" guide.