Employment / On-Campus Employment

On-Campus Employment
International students are limited to working a maximum of 20 hours per week on campus during the fall and spring semesters, but there is no maximum during the summer and winter breaks. There are numerous locations where you could work, including offices, food court, library, bookstore, etc. (Marriott Hotel and the CSU Chancellor's Office are not considered on-campus).
International students in F-1 status (degree and non-degree) who are in good academic standing are limited to working on-campus a maximum of 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. During the summer and winter breaks, there is no maximum. F-1 students can hold multiple positions on campus but the combined total number of hours cannot exceed 20 per week. It is the student's responsibility, not the employers, to calculate the total number of hours per week.
If you are completing your program at CSUF, you may work up until, but no later than, the semester end date for your graduating term. The end dates are listed as "Semester Ends; Grades due" on the official Academic Calendar.
F-2 dependents are not allowed to work in the United States and are not eligible for the F-1 On-Campus Employment benefit.
Application Process for F-1 On-Campus Employment
- Find an on-campus position, apply and get an offer letter from an on-campus employer. For assistance with finding positions, please meet with an Advisor in the campus-wide Career Center or if you are an MCBE student, MCBE Career Services.
- Request a Social Security Number (SSN) Support Letter and refer to our SSN page for full instructions.
- Allow time for ISS to process your request. You will receive an email when your letter is ready for pick up.
- Pick up the SSN Support Letter from ISS and then go to a Social Security Administration (SSA) Office to apply for the SSN. Refer to our SSN page for full details, including locations for SSA Offices.
- Receive your SSN via mail.
- Inform your on-campus employer that you may begin your employment.
International students on J-1 status who are in good academic standing may work on-campus after receiving written authorization from a Responsible Officer for their Program Sponsor. If your Form DS-2019 was issued by California State University, Fullerton (Program Sponsor), then you will need to meet with an International Student Advisor (Responsible Officer) in order to obtain on-campus work authorization.
Application Process for J-1 On-Campus Employment
- Meet with an ISS Advisor to determine if you are eligible and to discuss how to apply.
- If eligible, find an on-campus position by meeting with an Advisor in the campus-wide Career Center.
- Once offered an on-campus job, submit the J-1 On-Campus Employment Request Form. If you do not have an SSN, also follow the guidelines on our SSN page to obtain an SSN Support Letter from our office.
- Allow time for an ISS Advisor to review your request(s). If approved, you will receive an email when your letter(s) is ready for pick up.
- If granted, pick up J-1 On-Campus Student Employment Authorization from the ISS Office and if applicable, your SSN Support Letter. The SSN Support Letter may be processed separately, in which case a separate notification email will be sent to pick it up.
- If you applied for the SSN Support Letter, continue with the steps on our SSN page.
- Present the J-1 On-Campus Student Employment Authorization to the on-campus employer along with your SSN card.